You Should Be Using Trust Words in Your Content – Here’s How (Writing for Google in 2024)
Writing for Google used to involve adding keywords and key phrases as often as possible. It is interesting that several SEO copywriters still believe this.
With the advent of semantic search, keywords and key phrases needed to include synonyms, antonyms, and variations of what a user might be searching for. Keyword stuffing is officially dead.
However, with the introduction of Google Quality Controllers, things have changed in another way.
Google quality controllers are (physical) people employed by Google to rank the trustworthiness of a website. They do this by viewing the website and scoring it against set criteria. Read more here.
Google is looking for additional features and aspects of coding and content that it might not use as a ranking signal within its algorithm.
Hence, the birth of what is known as trust words
Some of the most popular trust words used on the Internet by SEO content writers are ‘best’, ‘#1’ and ‘award-winning’.
Search for any design and advertising company; these are the words you will see in most Google adverts and meta titles.
Most dictionaries have over 300,000 words, but within these words, how many are considered those used by companies and businesses that display (correctly) a level of trust and reliability? This is where the Quality Controllers come in.
It would be easy to scan all websites deemed “trustworthy” and begin compiling a new list of words that Google would expect to see on a trustworthy website. What exactly makes a website worthy of a user’s trust is open to interpretation.
Many SEOs say it is the foundation of SEO, but as you can see from the previous links definition, it says content must be updated regularly; how would you define that, and what happens if you don’t want to do this to pages that are sufficient in content, are you now untrustworthy?
- Google speaks of people’s first content, not mentioning keyword-stuffed drivel.
Examples of trust words
We have crawled several highly-ranked websites to create our own dataset; for you to see below a list of trusted keywords that follow this notion, and should be liberally sprinkled into your content.
accountable |
accurate |
achieve |
action |
adaptable |
adapting |
additional resources |
additional services |
advantage |
amazing |
analysis |
answers |
appreciative |
as recommended by: |
assurance |
attention |
attentive |
audits |
authentic |
authoritative |
authority |
available |
award |
award-winning |
backed up |
bargain |
beautiful |
benefits |
best |
best-selling |
brave |
bright |
brilliant |
build |
business |
businesses |
busy |
by price |
call back request |
Cancel anytime |
capable |
caring |
case studies |
certainty |
certified |
challenge |
change |
clean |
clearly |
clever |
client list |
collaborative |
comfortable |
commendable |
commitment |
committed |
compare |
competent |
competitive |
complaints procedure |
compliance |
confidence |
confident |
congenial |
connected |
cool |
credit |
customer service |
customers |
cutting edge technology |
cv |
delicious |
delight |
delightful |
dependable |
detailed |
difference |
disclaimer |
discounts |
discover |
diverse |
easily |
easy |
endorsed |
energy |
engaging |
enjoy |
entirely |
essential |
ethical |
everyone |
exactly |
excellent |
excited |
exciting |
exclusive |
expectation |
experienced |
expert |
expertise |
explained |
exquisite |
extraordinary |
factual |
family run |
family-orientated |
faqs |
features |
feedback |
fees |
finance options |
first-class |
fixed prices |
focus |
free |
fresh |
friendly |
friendship |
fully |
fun |
generous |
genius |
genuine |
gift |
global |
grand |
grateful |
great |
grow |
growing |
guarantee |
guarantee peace of mind |
guaranteed |
guarantees |
guidance |
hands-on |
happy |
help |
highest |
highly |
highly-focused |
honest |
honour |
hurry |
ideal |
improvement |
inclusive |
increase |
incredible |
independent |
infographic |
innovative |
inspirational |
inspired |
inspiring |
instant |
integrity |
intelligence |
interest-free |
introducing |
intuitive |
inventive |
jobs |
knowledge |
leader |
leaders |
leading provider |
legal |
legal terms |
lifetime |
listeners |
logical |
loving |
lucky |
magic |
magnificent |
meaningful |
mentor |
miracle |
modern |
motivating |
motivational |
natural |
new products |
News and Announcements |
no hidden charges |
no obligation |
now |
offer |
offers and deals |
offers and discounts |
official |
opportunity |
optimistic |
outstanding |
packages |
partnership |
passion |
passionate |
payment methods |
payment plan |
people’s names |
people-orientated |
perfect |
personal |
pleasure |
polished |
popular |
popularity |
portfolio |
positive |
possible |
powerful |
practical |
press |
principled |
proactive |
procedures |
products |
professional |
professor |
proficient |
progressive |
proof/proven |
protected |
proud |
proven |
qualified |
quality |
questions |
quick |
quiz |
quotes |
Rate 4.8 out of 5 based on 245 reviews on Trustpilot |
ready |
real |
real costs |
recommend |
references on request |
refined |
relax |
relaxed |
reliable |
rely on |
remarkable |
reputable |
reputation |
request info pack |
research |
respect |
respected |
respectful |
respecting |
reviews |
revolutionary |
rewarding |
ROI focused |
safe |
sale on |
satisfaction |
save |
savings |
science |
secure |
sensational |
simple |
solutions |
sophisticated |
special |
splendid |
startling |
strong |
suddenly |
superior |
support staff |
supportive |
tangible |
teacher |
team-players |
testimonials |
thanks |
tools and guides |
top |
totally |
transactions |
transparent |
treasure |
trust / trusted |
trusted |
trusting |
trustworthy |
truth |
truthful |
™ |
understand |
unique |
university |
unusual |
upfront pricing |
value |
value for money |
video |
vision |
wanted |
warranty |
hiring |
wealth |
welcoming |
willing |
win |
winning |
wise |
wonderful |
worth |
years |