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Double Your Traffic in 90 Days With Perfect Page Titles

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How to Write the Perfect Page Title for your Website

The title is the single most powerful on-page factor. If you were only to do one on-page factor, this is the one. You can forget to optimise all the other tags and just put your effort into the title and H1- H6 tags; once ranks are gained, tweak the other on-page factors if needed.

Note: As I said before, if you are building a website from scratch, you can easily add optimised on-page factors like alt tags, link attributes, bold text, keyworded URLs, etc., as you make it. But, if your site is up and running, the result you will get from going back and adding all these factors is not worth the time you invest. The title tag element is displayed as a blue (or purple if you have visited the site) hyperlink text title to your website in the Google Search engine results pages.

The title tag is coded in your website’s header in between the tags <title>Cosmetic Dentistry  | Harley Street Dentist</ title>
Visible Cut-Off Length The title element has a visible cut-off length.

What does this mean?

When you look at the search engine result page displaying your query outcome, the blue hyperlink title to your website will have a maximum character length that can be displayed.

  • Google – 64 characters (it’s measured in pixels! (less than 580px))
  • – 70 characters

Although Google’s average cut-off rate is 64, 69 characters have been seen. Don’t forget that spaces also count. Break up the tag into sections conforming to the visual cut-off length. Although this is just a visual cut-off, ranking value can still be passed after the limit. However, as this restriction is in place, it is good practice to try and work within these boundaries.

Method For Structuring Page Titles

  1. Keywords | Call To Action | Branding
  2. Keywords 30 characters
  3. Call to action: 20 characters
  4. Brand 14 characters
  5. Keywords

The weight provided across the title tag is not even. The most weight is passed at the beginning; the first phrase should be your most important. The first 30 characters are the most important for passing ranking value.

Never make blind guesses, so let the page tell you the keywords. Focus on a single phrase or a cluster of phrases. The home page will always be slightly different as this is usually the gateway page that does not focus directly on one category but your site theme. Don’t just look at your competitors and copy them. Read through the pages and let each one educate you on what the correct phrases for that page should be.

Call To Action

This is what will entice searchers to click on your website. Price points: What makes you or your service different from your competitors? Use this space to grab some attention. A location is very important, depending on your business and your services or products. “Covering all of Surrey,” “covering all of the M25,” and “free home counties delivery” are also useful information and increase conversion levels exponentially.


This will be for brand name or acronym. If the brand name is the same as the domain address, do not place it in the title. You will naturally rank for your brand name in any case. Do so if you need or prefer to have your brand name seen on the page title. You could always put the brand name after the length cut, especially if you have a long brand name. More on branding.

Word Placement

Never fuss too much about the order of the phrases and keywords words that you place within the title other than the most important one first.

That does not mean plop them in any way you like. If it is not perfectly readable as a whole, then do not stress too much. This causes all sorts of arguments or discussions between digital folk. Some say ensuring the title reads naturally is very important, as this will increase your clicks. Of course, you do not want it to look spammy or too off the mark, but as I said above, it does not matter as long as you include the keywords to get partial matches.

Partial Matches

A partial match is when you have one or more of the user’s search terms or keywords in your title tag. So it does not matter what order you put them in, as Google and search engines will bold the words matching your user’s query in your title. The page content plays a role in this, too.

You can be assured they will be drawn to the partial match. Most of us will subconsciously notice the bold words that match what we look for as humans. This is when our call to action comes in. Suppose you have a powerful call to action, for example, your lowest price point or a free offering within your service, such as a free initial consultation. In that case, You will get clicks significantly if you differ from your competition. Clicks are much more critical than ranked impressions. Ranked impressions are no good for anyone. Well, no one but Google’s keyword tool.

  • Do not waste the title’ real estate’ as it is valuable.
  • Do not repeat words
  • Do not use stop words like in, and, at, to, on etc
  • Instead, use symbols & * | ~ > / = + – to break sections and draw attraction.

One thing that is a real bugbear for me is when the beginning letter of title words is not capitalised. It looks untidy. So now you know how to structure and create page titles, let’s look at some examples.

  • Capitalisation Of words
  • No repetition
  • Most Important phrase first

Bad Repetition

  • Way over the character limit or pixel size
  • No Capitalisation on words
  • No call to action

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