Make Sure Your Boss Considers SEO
Boss or decision maker getting in the way of your ideas? Saying “no” before you can even pitch? We’ve been there.
We know just how quickly leadership can shoot down digital marketing services like SEO – and it’s mainly down to three reasons:
- They’ve tried and tested it before and ultimately wasted their money
- They don’t believe in it or see the value
- Now is just not the right time or the marketing budget is being spent elsewhere, like on adverts
Read ROAR Digitals’ witty “Convincing your boss that SEO is the way forward.”
Showing SEO to have better value
- Ads are great – but what happens when they’re turned off? Nothing.
- Advertising is short-term, and SEO is long-term (it can’t be switched off).
- When devising marketing strategies, we always consider the bigger picture.
If you’re in marketing like us, you’ll know that an effective strategy covers all bases.
Advertising is quick and exciting. Decision-makers can trust it because they see the results and conversion numbers (it’s easy to quantify and control). And once you’ve made a sale, who cares, right? But as digital experts, we know this is not feasible for your business’s sustainability and future, nor your cost of acquisition.
Advertising can get expensive fast. Not only do you have to pay to run the ad, but as competition heats up, you have to bid and compete to be seen. Then you have to hope your ad is clicked, and again, hope your customer converts through the website.
This sounds like a costly approach to customer acquisition and would ultimately drive your acquisition cost through the roof (not great long-term if you want to thrive and survive).
Find a digital marketing company like ours, with an all-encompassing digital marketing service, that can think long-term and deliver strategies that drive the right traffic to your site and convert customers.
You won’t be a big brand overnight
Marketing is a life-long commitment, but you won’t notice the cost when done correctly.
Take our clients, for example, who have been with us for years and years – each month, they assign around £2,500 to their website marketing budget and never groan about it.
Now, these aren’t monster corporations like Coca-Cola; they’re small, local businesses that, with our help, turn over millions yearly.
But you’ve got to start somewhere. Usually, when we inherit websites, there’s a lot of work to be done before we can get to the good stuff. The bigger your budget, the faster we can work.
The first milestone is getting your website ranking locally, which can happen quickly as we add hundreds of new pages to your website. While this drives local conversions, we then focus on getting Google to recognise your website for the more complex, highly trafficked keywords.
What’s important is that you’re selling during this period – we know that if the website is making money, we continue to make money.
And that’s the difference between choosing an SEO company that promises to do “blogs” and “optimisation” and Vanilla Circus, which promises relevant traffic and conversions.
What they spent before wasn’t the right amount
If you’re a business owner, you’ve likely dabbled with SEO. You’ve given it a go, forked out a few thousand, and saw little payoff. Your website might have acquired a bit of traffic during this time, but no one bought it.
To convince your leader about the benefits of SEO, it all needs to begin with education and understanding, which is challenging when the industry has earned itself a bad name. One rule of thumb you should be aware of with SEO: the more you pay, the better it will be.
Paying £500 per month will likely deliver poor results, dodgy backlinks, and non-rankable content.
We cannot tell you how many times we’ve seen this.
Usually, when we take over sites with tonnes of traffic, it’s associated with keywords like “how to brush your teeth”, which initially might sound great to a dentist, but what’s it worth? There is no sales value.
Instead, you need a strategic marketing company like us, which only focuses on where the money is, not necessarily where the traffic is – and that’s precisely why we’re able to pick up clients worth £24,000 online rather than £0.
If it’s about money, try it for free
There are so many active myths about SEO; the only way to discover how reliable and great it can be for your business is to work with a marketing company that delivers.
With our SEO packages costing from £900, we know it’s a big ask to get you to sign on the dotted line, so we ask you to trust us immediately.
That way, we can show you the value of the results. Get £1,000 worth of free SEO today (choose between new content, links, offers, and more to get started).