Buy Success
You can buy backlinks from many online places and search for related, themed and non-themed directories that provide links. You can join membership forums/clubs that let you place profile links. You can pay to have content created and released across article sites. You can hire staff or a freelance person to manage your brand, create social media hype and engage with your targeted audience to gain links. You can get them to source free links. You can pay to have blog posts posted on blogs with a link. You can produce and trade
content with other websites for a link.
- You can raise money for charity or financially donate to a .edu establishment for a link. You can buy your way into high-value and low-value content farms or networks.
There are an endless number of ways for you to buy a link. Remember, you don’t have to pass money as we know it for a link… Content, products, and gifts are three ways links can act as a currency for buying more links. If you didn’t earn it, you bought it! Does buying links work? I want to say no, that Google is too clever, but the reality is buying links can work. Typically, until the next giant Google Update.
The results and value bought links can pass to your website is enormous.
The search engines do not like this practice, which is against most of their terms of service. But they cannot stop it; they just can’t! They can create algorithm changes and rely on user interventions, but things can be hidden, so things do not always appear as they seem. Remember, the search engine is just a computer algorithm at work. Links can range from just £1 to much, much higher sums. Yes, you can get great results, but it is a risky business and can be very expensive. If you participate in this type of link acquisition, be very careful.
Behold the Penguin
In mid-2012, Google released Penguin, one of the most significant and damaging algorithm changes. This change to Google took out a lot of the scheming and rubbish but also damaged a lot of the unsuspecting online business owners whose website developers, unbeknown to them, were participating in such tactics. This prolific change looked at some tactics used to ‘fudge’ the results in Google searches. It would sniff out paid links and bad tactics and remove the power these links gave the website.
Moreover, even if your site weren’t involved in bad tactics, any site linked to yours along the link chain would affect your site. Note: Always be careful where you obtain your links as the Penguin may not get you if your tactics are above board, but if your linking source has been playing with the Penguin, it will devalue their sources. So, indirectly, you become
affected. This can go back as far as 7 generations.
Links Conclusion
The conclusion from looking at the 3 different types of links you can gain for your website tells you two options will be very beneficial, especially when discussing websites to generate an income.
Produce mind-blowing content on your site for other web admins in the hope of attracting links. Or buy the link power you need to be competitive with your competition. Either way, do not waste time on the low-quality stuff. It may be a good starting point, but no successful plan will accommodate such low quality.
To Sum Up
Above is everything I have done to our dental client’s website to move from page 2 of Google to the top of page 1 for the type of dentistry our clients want to attract patients for – cosmetic, implant, whitening, Invisalign, etc.
Keeping Your Site on Top
Once you have your site at the top, keep it there. Unfortunately, you can’t just get on with all the new work; you must spend time and effort keeping your site on top. Writing fresh content for your website and blog content, keeping up with conversations on any social media linked to your site, and maintaining and forming new links are all required to stay on top.
Also, the algorithms Google uses to rank websites are closely guarded secrets and change with each new release of Google, e.g., Panda and Penguin. Yes, Google is continually evolving, but they don’t tell you what the changes are—that’s half the fun of digital marketing: finding out how Google and other search engines think. If you don’t adapt to changes in Google’s thinking, your site could fall off quickly.